Facundo Bromberg
Facundo Bromberg
Facundo Bromberg is currently a Full Professor and Director of the Artificial Intelligence DHARMa Research Group at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), and an Adjunct Researcher at the CONICET (Argentinean Research Council). During his career he has mentored several Ph.D. thesis, 5 already graduated and 5 in processes. He is also the director of the Masters Program Inteligencia Digital para la Innovación (Digital intelligence for Innovation). In the past ee has also participated as invited professor in several Ph.D. programs in Argentina, and actively participated in organization of different activities of the AAIA (Argentinean Association of Artificial Intelligence), such as co-organizing the Argentinean Symposium of Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) in 2009, co-organized the 1st and 2nd Argentinean Schools in Artificial Intelligence (EAIA) in 2012 and 2013, and is currently co-organizing the IJCAI International School of AI to be held in Buenos Aires in 2014.
Personal biography
Facundo was born in the City of Mendoza (Argentina) in March of 1974. With only two years his family moved to Israel, where they stayed until the end of 1982, after which they returned to Mendoza. He leaves Mendoza again in 1994 to S. C. de Bariloche to study Physics in the Instituto Balseiro, where he stayed until 1998. From there he moves to Buenos Aires City for two years, coming back to Mendoza with 26 years old, in the year 2000. Back in Mendoza he meets his current wife, Natalia Juan-Miguez, with whom he leaves to the United States in 2001 for his Ph.D. studies. In the year 2006 their daughter Zoe is born in Ames, Iowa, and in 2007 all three leaves back to Mendoza after Facundo finishes his studies.
Academic Bio
Facundo graduated with Licenciatura in Physics from the Instituto Balseiro in the year 1998, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in the Atanasoff Computer Science Department of Iowa State University in the year 2007, under the advise of Dr. Dimitris Margaritis and co-advise of Dr. Vasant Honavar. In the year 2008 he starts as Assistant Professor in the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Mendoza. During the years 1999 and 2000 (after graduating from Instituto Balseiro) he worked as a fellowship researcher in the Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas (Institute of Heart Research) of the Medicine School of the Buenos Aires University, under the advise of Dr. Jorge Ponce-Hornos.