Àlex Ribas
Àlex Ribas
Personal biography
His scholarship is director Facundo Bromberg, and his codirector is Elisenda Ardèvol Piera.
During 2017, Àlex has attended the International Conference AAMAS (Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agents Systems) which took place in Sao Paulo. There, he was able to present and discuss his working hypothesis with some of the most reputable academics in the area, and to attend to WESAAC (Workshop-Schoolon Agents Environments and Applications) organized by IFAAMAS (International Foundation on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) which take place in Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo. Furthermore, he finished the required courses by the doctoral program on Computer Sciences from la Universidad Nacional de San Juan and he also published his first paper: Hacia un formalismo basado en Sistemas Multiagente para evaluar modelos de organización humanos (Ribas & Bromberg, 2017) in CACIC (Congreso Argentino de Ciencias Informáticas y Computación) which took place in la Universidad de la Plata. Finally, he coordinated with his advisors an intership as visiting researcher in the research group MediAccions from UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) with the aim of deepening the social impact that emerges from his working hypothesis.