Leandro Martín Abraham

Leandro Martín Abraham

I'm Doctoral Fellow of CONICET since 2013 under the direction of Dr. Raymundo Forradellas. I am enrolled and taking a PhD in Computer Science at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas of Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Tandil)  under the thesis direction of Dr. Facundo Bromberg and co-direction of Dr . Raymundo Forradellas. The area of ​​my research is related to Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I am also a teaching assistant in some courses of the DHARMA lab.


Academic Bio

In 2007 I start the Engineering in Information Systems and I finalize it in December 2011. In 2011 I contacted the lab and start working on research. In 2012 I  get a CONICET scholarship and in 2013 formally start working on my research topic under this funding.

During 2017 Leandro Abraham has continued his work as doctoral scholarof the lab and techer of the Artificial Intelligence course of the information systems departmet.

Regarding his teaching work, Leandro has assisted in the exams redaction and in the task of evaluate them. Also he assisted the others teachers of the course.

With respecto to his doctoral career, Leandro worked in a version of the aproach that allows to have better results and with better impact for a practical application. So much so that we worked on the design and experimentation of a method to estimate the discrete level of muscular activation of the arm biceps from 3D point clouds of the arm captured with inexpensive RGB-D devices such as the Microsoft Kinect. The proposed method aims to learn estimation models for each particular subject from  previous training, a requirement that is viable in certain practical applications such as tele-physiotherapy. Such is the case that during 2017 the following tasks were carried out: designing and implementing the method; capture and pre-process input clouds; design, implement and execute the experiments; and finally it was concluded with the writing of the corresponding scientific report which was sent for publication in the indexed journal Computers in Biology and Medicine in December of 2017. Recently the paper has been accepted for publication and is in press. The article is as follows

Leandro Abraham, Facundo Bromberg, Raymundo Forradellas, Ensemble of shape functions and support vector machines for the estimation of discrete arm muscle activation from external biceps 3D point clouds, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Available online 21 February 2018, ISSN 0010-4825, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2018.02.011.

With this indexed publication, it complies with the requirements of the doctorate where it is registered, this being one of the missing requirements for the doctoral student to achieve his graduation. The other missing requirement is the thesis, in which work began at the end of 2017, reaching a preliminary draft version.

His academic director is Facundo Bromberg, and his codirector is Raymundo Forradellas.


Cargo: Ayudante de primera


Rol: Becario doctoral
Rol: Becario doctoral


Beca Doctoral CONICET Leandro Abraham - Leandro Martín Abraham