Low-power wireless sensor network for frost monitoring in agriculture research

TitleLow-power wireless sensor network for frost monitoring in agriculture research
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsDiedrichs ALaura, Tabacchi G, Grunwaldt G, Pecchia M, Mercado G, Antivilo FGonzalez
Conference NameBiennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), 2014 IEEE
Conference LocationBariloche
ISBN Number978-1-4799-4270-1

This work presents the development of a wireless sensor network (WSN), based on IEEE-802.15.4, in order to be used for frost characterization in precision agriculture by measuring temperature. Our key objective is to reduce the power consumption of the network to the minimum, allowing several measurement points per node and the remote monitoring of the sensors behaviour. For the communication interface between a WSN node and the sensors, we have developed a serial protocol inspired in SDI-12. Preliminary results show a low-cost and low-power WSN. The user can access and use the data for agronomic research.

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