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Filters: Conference-paper is interpolaci%C3%B3n-espacial-mediante-aprendizaje-de-m%C3%A1quinas-en-vi%C3%B1edos-de-la  [Clear All Filters]
Abraham L, Bromberg F, Forradellas R.  2018.  Ensemble of shape functions and support vector machines for the estimation of discrete arm muscle activation from external biceps 3D point clouds. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 95:129-139.
Ribas A, Brombereg F.  2018.  Exploring the Influence of Self-determination in the Collective Intelligence of Collaborative Organizations. Symposium on implementing collaborative governance.
Diaz CAriel, Pérez DSebastián, Miatello H, Bromberg F.  2018.  Grapevine buds detection and localization in 3D space based on Structure from Motion and 2D image classification. Computers in Industry. 99C (Special Issue on Machine Vision for Outdoor Environments):303-312.
Diedrichs ALaura, Bromberg F, Dujovne D, Brun-Laguna K, Watteyne T.  2018.  Prediction of frost events using machine learning and IoT sensing devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 5(6):4589-4597.
Ribas À, Bromberg F.  2018.  Toward Self-Determinant Citizen Governance: Trust-Boosting Sociocracy 3.0 with Blockchain. Symposium on Implementing Collaborative Governance. Models, experiences and challenges to foster policy coordination, and to enhance sustainable community outcomes and public value generation.
Edera AA., Gandini CL, M. Sanchez-Puerta V.  2018.  Towards A Comprehensive Picture Of C-to-U RNA Editing Sites In Angiosperm Mitochondria (under review). Plant Molecular Biology.
Abraham L.  2018.  Visión computacional y aprendizaje de máquinas aplicado a la estimación de activación muscular del bíceps braquial. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Computer Science Ph.D:63.
Schlüter F, Hermida RSantana, Lozano JAntonio.  2016.  An analysis of the impact of Kikuchi approximations.
Edera A.  2016.  Aprendizaje de redes de Markov basado en independencias específicas del contexto: formalización y aplicación a datos espaciales. Doctorado en Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
Pérez DSebastián, Bromberg F, Gonzalez-Antivilo F.  2016.  Computer Vision Approach for Low Cost, High Precision Measurement of Grapevine Trunk Diameter in Outdoor Conditions.
Brun-Laguna K, Diedrichs ALaura, Chaar JEmilio, Dujovne D, Taffernaberry JCarlos, Mercado G, Watteyne T.  2016.  A demo of the PEACH IoT-based frost event prediction system for precision agriculture. Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), 2016 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on.
Brun-Laguna K, Diedrichs ALaura, Dujovne D, Léone R, Vilajosana X, Watteyne T.  2016.  (Not so) intuitive results from a smart agriculture low-power wireless mesh deployment. Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Workshop on Challenged Networks.
Watteyne T, Diedrichs ALaura, Brun-Laguna K, Chaar JEmilio, Dujovne D, Taffernaberry JCarlos, Mercado G.  2016.  Peach: Predicting frost events in peach orchards using iot technology. EAI Endorsed Transactions on the Internet of Things. (5)
Perez C, Diedrichs ALaura.  2016.  SDCP: Streaming Distributed Control Protocol.
