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Schlüter F, Bromberg F, Edera A.  2014.  The IBMAP approach for Markov network structure learning. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 72(3):197--223.
Schlüter F, Bromberg F, Pérez DS.  2010.  Speeding up the execution of a large number of statistical tests of independence. Proceedings of ASAI 2010, Argentinean Symposioum of Artificial Intelligence.
Schlüter F, Bromberg F.  2014.  El enfoque IBMAP para aprendizaje de estructuras de redes de Markov. Tesis doctoral en Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Director: Facundo Bromberg. . Doctorado en Ciencias de la Computación (PhD in Computer Science):138.
Schlüter F, Strappa Y, Bromberg F, Milone DH.  2017.  Blankets Joint Posterior score for learning Markov network structures . International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.